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15 Jan 2020

Tongue Tie Surgery | Tongue Tie In Adults | Laser Frenectomy Cost

tongue tie laser surgery
The tongue tie is one of the major issues for many of the infants which act as a hindrance in carefree breathing, sleep and on other health conditions. If you will diagnose it on time, it can give rise to poor sleep, digestive problems, mouth breathing and stress as well.
Many parents are in need of tongue tie release of their infants for assisting them in breastfeeding. But there are many children that don’t get the right treatment on time. Even adults are facing this big issue. Well, with the best help of tongue tie laser surgery, everyone can free themselves with this condition.
Causes of tongue tie
The main reason for this tongue tie in infants is due to the fact that lingual frenulum separates from tongue even before the baby is born, but in a few cases, it doesn’t take place. This can also be a genetic issue. According to the reports, this medical issue is found more in boys as compared to girls.
However, with the best introduction of tongue tie Sydney, various things are now possible. It can affect a child’s health by increasing their ability to breastfeeding and even prevents many of the dental issues. Tongue tie can also happen when a tissue band which connects tongue to mouth floor is even shortened abnormally, thick or tight.
Benefits of laser operation for tongue tie
This results in restricted tongue movement. On the other hand, the lip tie is also one condition that involves tissue band and the one which connects the upper lip to its gum. There are many of the benefits of laser surgery. This includes the following,
·         No anesthetic is required
·         No stitches
·         Lesser chances of swelling and pain in babies
·         Highly safe and comes with a good success rate
As it has been noted that tongue tie can even have an adverse effect on your jaw development, this tongue tie surgery can also offer benefits while,
·         Chewing
·         Breathing
·         Talking
·         Swallowing and in proper digestion
The tongue tie in adults is also found in good numbers. This lower down their confidence level and they want immediate treatment for the same. On the other hand, the tongue tie is also of two types which are further classified in different classes. This surgery is done by the professionals by making use of a laser.
Time involved in the whole surgery
They wear protective glassware for the best treatment. The professionals give local anesthesia to their patient. The whole procedure takes around three minutes of time without any blood loss. This is preferred generally for babies as a tissue of the frenulum is much softer as compared to adults. However, adults can also get great benefits from the same. 
Recovery period
The laser frenectomy cost is also kept nominal so that everyone can afford it and can go for the same. The recovery time of this surgery is also not very high. It takes around three weeks only and wound starts getting filled with white granulation tissue during its recovery process.
Go for the tongue tie laser surgery Parramatta today and see the effective results.

10 Jan 2020

5 Simple Ways to Avoid Tooth Decay in Children

Have you recently found some white spots on your child’s teeth?
You cannot overlook them at all as these spots can be a sign for the enamel breaking down. Or it can be a symbol of early sensitivity in the teeth.  Whether your kids are 5 years old or 15 years, tooth decay has turned out to be common problem. Hence, for the parents it is an alarming note to be more careful for their toddler's teeth. Before you get to know how to stop these signs of decay from occurring, it is worth learning what causes them.
What causes tooth decay in a child?                                                     
Basically, in children tooth decay is caused by bacteria and few other reasons. For instance, when your child consumes foods containing carbohydrates, and these are left on the teeth. There are already bacteria living in the mouth which change these foods, converting them into acids. Now it is the combination of bacteria, food, acid, and saliva which altogether form a substance called plaque. This mixture that sticks to the teeth and with the passage of time starts causing cavities.
The good news is that you can get rid of such problems if detected at an early stage. You must consult a good dentist in Parramatta for better advice. And yes, these can be prevented with some simple tips. Start reading below to find out exactly what causes tooth decay in children and what steps to consider for their healthy dental health.
Adapt Right Brushing Technique
Being parents it is your highest responsibility to teach your children the appropriate dental care. In this list, there is one which is too easy for your skids to slide. It is about the tooth brushing job. You must try to make them realize how essential brushing is for them to prevent cavities. Ensure that they are using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Guide them to be gentle and use back and forth motion on the teeth for proper cleaning. For the inner section of their front teeth, which are hard to reach, ask them to hold the toothbrush vertically and scrub out those spots nicely. And yes, don’t forget to tell them to brush their tongue.
Use Kid-Friendly Mouthwash
Including a mouthwash provides an extra boost of fluoride to strengthen your kid’s teeth. For this dentist Parramatta recommends that for children above the age of six parents can choose a child friendly mouthwash. Ask him to swish liquid in his mouth and then spit it out.
Keep Away From Sugary Drinks and Snacks
If your little one is in love with that cup with sugary juice, it can be really dangerous for your child. Though most of them are comforted with a bottle of sweet milk when they go to sleep, yet this can be really problematic in the long run. Don’t let them get in the habit of consuming sugar at the night time. This can be reason for tooth decay over a period of time. You can prevent this by replacing juice with water. Say a strict no to sugary snacks around bedtime.
Flossing Is Vital
It might be difficult to convince your kids to simply brush their teeth, yet this is crucial. Encouraging your kids to floss regularly is the key to healthy oral hygiene. As it keep the spaces between teeth clean, it turns essential as soon as your child has teeth which are positioned right next to each other.

Visit Your Dentist in Parramatta
Even if you are very careful about your child’s teeth, it is recommended to visit a dentist at regular intervals. Also if you are suspecting any problem, talk to your dentist. They can guide you the best for healthy oral hygiene habits.
Need some assistance? Feel free to contact us.